Welcome to Growthfarm Technologies

Growthfarm Technologies is a Private Limited Company registered under the Companies Act, 2013. At GrowthFarm, we develop and manage agricultural/farming assets, which include the farmland and the farming operations conducted on it. Our business activities cover livestock, cropping, horticulture and market linkages. We also assist farmers in the agriculture sector. It includes entry strategy, strategic agricultural portfolio development, best practice of agricultural and farming operations and exit mechanisms to maximize returns.

At Growthfarm, we lay major emphasis on the techniques and proper mechanisms for farming. We provide good quality seeds, manure and a focus on organic farming promotion for long term sustenance.

We shall adopt to new methodology in farming for maximising production through optimal use of local resources, effective recycling of farm waste for productive purposes, community-led local systems for water conservation, organic farming and developing a mix of income-generating activities such as dairy, poultry, fishery, goat-rearing, vermicomposting and others. Growthfarm aims at building farmer capacities for adoption of productive, remunerative, eco-friendly and self-sustaining integrated farming systems

Latest Blogs

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Planning for quality programmes

the development of the farmer field school (FFS) approach in the late 80s in Asia, thousands of FFS have since been implemented across the world

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Plant Production and Protection

effective and strategic decisions that increase crop production using an ecosystem approach

Whats our client says

We are always here to help you. Don't hesitate to contact us anytime!
+91-7086689050 or info@growthfarmtechnologies.com

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